Thursday, October 25, 2012

Second And Last Rehearsal

Went to exercise at Stafford Library at 3:00.  Aline there, too, of course, and I handed out to other participants info on the Dionne Five.  After, A. and I had a nice soup and salad early dinner at Olive Garden, always a good place to eat.
I dropped my companion off at the bus stop and, having more time than I needed, went to Kohl's, just kind of hanging out. 
Got to rehearsal early, of course, and had to wait in the car for the rest of the cast to arrive.  I had borrowed an empty Canadian Club bottle from Susan, filled it with iced tea, and had the director going for a bit when I took a strong swig and told her I "had to get in character." 
Everybody's developing his or her roles and I think it'll be pretty funny.  I still wish we could have had more than two rehearsals, though.
Home a bit after 8.  Aline called to tell me she had gotten the bus and we talked for a bit. 
I'll be right back in Manahawkin today to "rehearse" again--this time for the Dionne Quint program.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...