Friday, October 12, 2012

Great Show

Spent most of the day preparing for the opening.  Picked up Aline at 5:30 and got to the school early.  Everybody else assembled and we who didn't have major, on-stage-most-of-the-time parts repaired to the music room which, luckily, can be reached from the left wings. 
Well, what can I say about opening night?  Just this: It was a smash hit!  Tonya spoke to us ahead with a pep talk and remarked that she thought about ten or fifteen people would attend.  What?!  My friends alone numbered thirteen.  And it turned out that we had just about a full house, always so gratifying when you're in a show.
If I say it myself (yeah, I keep doing that), my performance went over big.  Lots of laughs at my drunken actress antics and a big hand when I came out during bows.  After, as we always do, we mixed and mingled and oh, what fun, how gratifying, what an exciting experience, to hear the praise and assurances that I was good!  A wonderful evening and we get to do it again tonight!
Got up to walk with Susan, but won't tomorrow, as we have our cast party after the show.  Why we can't have it at a more civilized time--either after matinee on Sunday or next week sometime--is beyond me.  It will be at the Henry's and they live way back off  Nugentown Road; hard to find and hard to get to.  However, Ellen V. said Aline, Jeanne, and I can ride with her; I'll leave my car at the school and come back for it.
In the show, certain food is mentioned, including pickled pigs feet, Campbell soup, blintzes, canned salmon, and frankfurters (the ditsy Mrs. Sycamore's idea of a fancy meal).  As a gag, some of us are going to bring the stuff to the party and I volunteered to get the pickled pigs feet.  Hope I can find them at the store!


Jim Wetzel said...

Wish I could've seen those "drunken actress antics." Knock 'em dead again tonight!

Mimi said...

Thanks, Jim. Wish you could, too.


 I left for town about 10:30, bringing my lunch. Stopped in a few shops and ate--as I hadn't done for months--across from the mission: F...