Saturday, October 20, 2012


Overall, it was a good day.  Started off so-so when I couldn't get Aline's photo to print well--came out all fuzzy and off-color (sounds like me sometimes--heh, heh).  Went to the P.O. to send off a few little Halloween thingies for V. and V. and was amazed to see a number of K-9 police cars outside.  A cop (I assume it was a cop) was "handling" a menacing dog right at the entrance, so before I got near, I yelled for him to move back and please stay there until I came out.  He did.
I was pleased to get a call from Eric Somebody, who did a piece with picture in The Sandpaper on my Dionne Quint program in June and wants to run another.  We had a nice talk and he said he was going to try to get to my program on November 1.
Stopped at Lucille's to drop off a check for Tonya's gift, then at the bank to pick up my "proof of payment" for the water company.  On my way to Margate for the FELS thing, picked up my napkins and Aline's tablecloth, props we had forgotten.  Aline asked me to keep the cloth.
Arrived at the gathering and was pleased to see Louise, Sondra, Bernice, and Denise, all of whom I know from Players & Playwrights At The Jersey Shore.  Ditto for Rachel K., the ostensible facilitator.  Aside from them and me, there were five others there, all women.
This is billed as a kind of readers theatre/acting lessons, but I'm wondering if I should demand my $65 back.  The facilitator, Rachel K., whom I also know from P & P, held forth with a rambling, pointless monologue for an hour and forty-five minutes--yes, I was facing the clock and timed it--about nothing at all.  She meandered on from the meaning of British terms ("public school--private school!") to various detective shows on T.V., to praise for Mitt Romney's diction.  Clearly, she had little idea of what she was going to say before she opened her mouth, although she consulted her "cheat sheet," as she archly called it, frequently.  She said we were supposed to buy a book--Favorite One-Act Plays--but only five people had and I don't see anything about such a purchase on the--also rambling and anything but to the point--letter she had sent earlier. 
Finally, after I pointedly asked if we were actually going to do readings, she assigned parts to the people who had bought books and we read a short play.  She lent Louise her book, but that meant the rest of us just sat and listened.  She also seemed not to know how long the session was to last, asking us during a pause if we wanted to stay.  What a waste of time.  Today, at the P & P meeting, I'm going to ask how she communicated to the group that they were to buy the book.
On the way home, I happened to see Dayle, another P & P member whom I especially like, walking down Ventnor Avenue.  I picked her up and took her home and we had a nice chat on the way.
Stopped at the best dollar store in the world in Ventnor Heights and got a few Halloween items for the little boys.
Having had a yen for Italian lately, made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner
and it was delish.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...