Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lunch And Rehearsal

Got to the clubhouse to meet my R.H. colleagues at 10:30, then piled with others into Jo G.'s car and we drove to Atlantic Community College through a steady rain.  Lunch at the culinary arts restaurant was great fun and the food was terrific.  There were all kinds of wonderful appetizers, plus fish, chicken, and beef entrees, a choice of beverages, and several desserts.  Yummy, yum, yum, plus they have a bakery, where I bought a quiche, a blueberry pie, and two "foccia" (I can't spell it and neither can barely literate SpellCheck) bread rounds.  Total cost for those items:  $10 and lunch was all-inclusive for $20.  Had a terrific time, especially after hearing so many of the women tell me they were looking forward to the show and which nights they were going.
We got back to Little Egg by 2:00 and I drove straight to Mastercraft to have them look at my low tire.  Oh, yes, sure, wouldn't you know, it can't be plugged and I'll have to get a new one to the tune of $124.  Damn and double damn.
Did this and that until it was time to pick up Aline at 5:45 for  rehearsal at 6:00.  I wore my lounging pajamas costume and, if I say it myself, looked good, especially after I resurrected a big pair of (prescription) sunglasses from years ago.  Rehearsal went okay, although parts of it dragged a bit.     
Lunch at Susan's today and I may--or may not--go to exercise at Stafford Library after.    

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...