Friday, December 07, 2007

Terrifically nice day yesterday! The ice melted, thank heavens, and the sun shone from a crystal clear, blue sky. It was a great setting for my outing with Susan, Barb H., her sister, Pat (in from Arizona), Pat H., and Lois V. The last two are Sunrise Bay neighbors I know and like--we had a great time.
Went to Debra's at the Tuckerton Emporium for lunch. I had salad, which was a good spring mix, and soup--tomato tarragon--absolutely the best tomato I've ever tasted. The other five succumbed to drinks like "hot apple pie cider" and creamy cappachino, but virtuous Rosemary stuck to water. The chef--Debra herself--came out and we praised the luncheon to the skies.
After a long, leisurely meal and chatfest (why would I use that stupid, cliche-y word, coined by vapid celeb columnists? Help! I'm turning into what I despise!), we drove to the Tuckerton Seaport to buy our tickets for the house tour.
As it was the last two years I've gone, the tour was great fun. Unlike the really impressive such affairs, e.g. Princeton where you're ushered into houses from the seventeen and eighteen hundreds, these were contemporary. Nevertheless, it was absorbing to see them and to ooh and aah over the decorations. We agreed that some were just over the top, every flat surface being covered with glittery things that moved, chimed, or lit up, sometimes all three.
Got home about 4:00, shortly before Pat came from the bay. Yes, indeedy, he had had grilled cheese with Ray at Beverly's. Made him spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.
Called Jen after dinner and she told me about her grandmother's death, which was entirely unexpected at this time. The funeral's in Bristol, Pa., on Monday, and I'd like to go. The complication--there's always a complication with our present lives--is that Pat's scheduled to have a flu shot at my doctor's at 1:00. Gotta figure out a way to either get him there or change the appointment, which I hate to do for various reasons. The alternative is to ask somebody to take him, which is a possibility.
A note to Dee about Weight Watchers: I'm going today (Friday) instead of yesterday. Leslie is skipping for a few weeks and, since I don't have to pick her up, I prefer to go earlier. Will post my progress--or lack thereof, or relapse--when I get home.
Later: I made it into the 140s! Just barely, but I did it; lost another 1 1/2 pounds and am now at 149.8. That's a total of 49.8 pounds off. Next time, I hope and expect to make it to fifty.


Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary, congratulations on your weight, another pound and you'll have lost 50. You deserve sooo much credit.
Does Pat go to the bay all winter long? What does he do there? If he enjoys it I think its great.
Have you ever been to Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts? That is an exciting place to see life as it was in the early times. Take one or two days to go through the entire place.

Mimi said...

Pat still goes to the bay most days in the winter. In this weather, though, he often doesn't get out of the car. He sees his cronies--all older retirees--and often, one of them will sit in his car with him. Otherwise, he opens the window and they'll stand outside talking to him.
I haven't been to Sturbridge, but I've heard a lot about it and would love to go. How far is it from where you live?
Thanks for your comments on my weight loss. I appreciate the cheering section!


This will be a quick once over, as the laptop just came up--I hadn't brought the wire with me to Ellen's and that's too long and...