Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Went to Kohl's and found a neat black jersey in--well, jersey. It does have a scoop neck, a no-no because it shows my turkey flesh, but I have two turtleneck dickeys I think I can add for camouflage. Stopped at ever-so unhelpful Acme to find they're out of two things I buy regularly, but oh, well.
Got an e-mail from Ellen that she made an offer on a condo. Hope, hope, hope the owners accept, but it's a long-shot, as her offer is a lot less than list price and the price has already gone down by $80K. Her r.e. agent will contact her here with an answer by tomorrow. It's unbelievable what homes cost in California. In Ellen's price range, she could practically get a mansion in Jersey--this is a two bedroom, one bath condo, albeit in a good neighborhood.
Mike called last night. He got his birthday present, but Vivian's Christmas gifts didn't come yet--darn--and they're leaving Friday for their cruise. He had added some pics on precious little girl's web site and we enjoyed them.
Saw Huckabee's truly scary Christmas ad on YouTube. It's beyond belief, a skillful and sickening pander to fundamentalism. What ever happened to the concept of separation of church and state, anyway? It's terrifying to imagine a U.S. president who doesn't believe in evolution! In other words, he's anti-science, anti-reason, and anti-practically everything else that requres a brain.
Of course, I have more important things to think about than the country staggering toward the 18th century: Today, I MUST get the rest of the presents wrapped and prepare for Ellen's arrival. Alison will pick her up in Philly tonight, then I'll go up to get her tomorrow--yay!
Later: My mind is like a sieve. I forgot to mention the high point of yesterday: lunch with Marge at Debra's Daydream Cafe in the Tuckerton Emporium. Ordered the terrific tomato terragon soup and salad; greatly enjoyed that, but more, of course, talking and being with Marge.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...