Saturday, December 29, 2007

Spent a quiet Friday, mostly at home after WW. Changed beds, did wash, and cleaned up around the house. Betty called and we had a good talk--hope her compter gets better soon, so she can resume her blog.
Went to Acme. Ran into Barb H. while I was there and we chatted for awhile. She told me our neighbor, Anne Mary, is in the hospital up north (northern Jersey, that is) with a "broncospasm." I assume that's not a jittery horse, but some kind of breathing problem.
Was intrigued by a long article in The NYTimes on food, diet, and weight and sent it to Betty and Pat R. It was run in September, but I just found it. In my dim and fumbling way, I've been espousing what the author does: less meat, more plant foods, and--most important--take in fewer calories. Avoid what your great-grandmother would not recognize as food, meaning the thousands of heavily-processed stuff that fills the supermarket shelves. Understand that the gigantic food industry is not your friend. Also understand that the stinking hand of politics reaches even into the sacred domain of food. Further understand that it a product makes health claims, it probably isn't good for you. Read labels.
For anyone else who wants to read this, go to the NYTimes web site and put "Unhappy Meals" (by Michael Pollan), in its search engine.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...