Monday, December 31, 2007

Laulks-a-mercy-me! I slept until 6:40, for heaven's sake, and only had time to dress, gulp some coffee, and get out the door to pick up Susan for our walk. Am just now getting blogtime, but...
It's no problem because yesterday, after our regular walk, nothing much went on. I didn't set foot outside all day; didn't even unlock the car. Washed, dried, and folded loads of laundry, cleaned the guest bath, and puttered around. Spent time on the couch reading Vanity Fair while Pat watched the Eagles trounce--well, I can't remember who they played, but they won their last game of the year.
Sounds boring, but it was curiously satisfying because the weather was overcast and gloomy, my least favorite. We were snug and warm by ourselves in our comfortable home and sometimes, I need that.
I was sorry to hear from Alison, though, that the New Year's Day hike is probably not a good idea for me. She said it includes crossing a bridge over a river, fairly high up, that has spaces in between the ties. In addition, the hikers must negotiate a stream by balancing on rocks. She is concerned that one or both would be a problem for me and I agree--but darn! I was looking forward to it so much. However, I saw on the web site (Outdoor Club of South Jersey) that a four-mile hike to Apple Pie Hill is scheduled for the sixth. I'm going to sign up for that; maybe Alison would come, but I'll go myself, if not.
This is the last day of 2007. So? The last day of the year comes every 365 days. I have no particular ideas on the subject, resolutions to make, or deep, philosophical thoughts, except I'm glad I'm alive.
And for you reading this: I'm glad you're alive, too.


iloveac said...

Balancing on rocks over a stream ....sounds like you made a good decision.
I'm impressed that you'll do Apple pie hill by yourself. You are so fortunate to sleep so well and wake with the energy you seem to have. Periodically I have those days and am aware how good it feels. I feel like I'm in my 30s again. Not sure I'd go hiking. You mentioned you and Pat took Pat and Alison kayaking when they were little. Were you always involved in physical activities as a family? How about as a kid?, I hated relay races and gym etc. Baton twirling was the extent of my energy expenditure.

Mimi said...

Pat, TWICE I wrote here in response to your comment and TWICE it disappeared! Damn! Actually, Patrick and Pat went kayaking with Alison and Mike just a few years ago, not when they were kids. No, I was never in the least bit athletic, in fact, was clumsy, awkward and lazy, although thin; never worked out or anything. Don't know why I like it so much now; maybe the more you do, the more you like it? HOPE THIS STAYS ON!

iloveac said...

Well that's encouraging. The fact that you walked with Alison 7 miles last week is just great. I guess it just goes to is never too late to get active. I wish you lived nearby. You'd be such a motivator for me. Yeah I know I should motivate myself, but it's easier to have someone with you.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...