Monday, December 17, 2007

It was raining heavily and very windy yesterday morning, but virtuous Susan and I just unfurled our umbrellas and walked our usual route. Went to Kohl's to get more Christmas cards and, while the Eagles were lurching their way to victory over the Cowboys, finished my list.
Changed our bed, did a lot of wash, and generally played Suzie Homemaker. Got the Nativity figures put up on the armoire*. We've had these for--oh, about 35 years--along with the angel for the treetop. I bought her the second year we were married, so she's 48 years old now. However, her dress and wings have disintegrated over the years and now we just make dresses for her disembodied head. No matter, she's our angel and we'll always top our tree with her.
I had a hankering for cabbage soup, which I used to make years ago when I first joined Weight Watchers. Had to improvise, though, as I didn't have most of the ingredients. Cut the cabbage in big chunks and simmered it for almost an hour in FF chicken broth, stewed tomatoes, chopped onions, and various spices. It turned out really good! I added navy beans to my individual bowl, then some diced turkey. Yummy, yum, yum, and that was my dinner.
The wind was unbelievable yesterday. Before bedtime, I went to pull the plug of the floodlight on the porch that illuminates our Christmas display. I had arranged three big wrapped packages on the deacon's bench, along with "Santa's Bag," and so on. When I went out, all the packages had blown into the side yard and everything else had fallen over. I gathered up what I could, but it was pitch black, I was in my pajamas, and I couldn't even find the third package. I have a fresh wreath on the door, with bunches of artificial grapes on it, and even some of them had been blown off. Darn--guess I'll have to rethink my outdoor decorating.
I was pleased to hear from cousin Bob that the scrapple arrived. It was still cold, so in good shape, and he put it back in the freezer. He'll enjoy the six pounds for a long time to come.
*I must be 'way off with this spelling: The computer doesn't recognize it and I can't find it in the dictionary. Well, it's the big cabinet that holds books and the T.V.


iloveac said...

Love the fact that you still have and love your little angel. You said she is, is she now just a head with new dresses? Cool...kinda ethereal like an angel should be.

Anonymous said...

I think the spelling of "armoire" is correct.


Mimi said...

Thanks, Robyn. Would you believe the "compact" dictionary I have doesn't include it?
BTW, Pat, I responded to your comment and for some reason, it didn't show. Wanted to let you know that, yes, the angel is now only a head AND there's a hole in it. Appropriate for yours truly, yes?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...