Ye gads and little fishes! (We old ladies talk that way.) It's now quarter of nine and I didn't get up until 45 minutes ago! Boy, is that the road to ruin--lying in bed while the rest of the world is about its business...
Actually, I feel great. I didn't get home until ELEVEN last night and still enjoyed my wine and popcorn, read in bed as usual, then slept the sleep of the just (love that phrase).
The play was wonderful. It was actually a musical--I had had no idea--adapted from It's A Wonderful Life, with the title shortened to A Wonderful Life . Once you adjusted for the surprise that it wasn't a theatre version of the movie, it was such a pleasure. The story line was familiar, but slightly altered, the songs were great, and the cast was superb. The settings alone would have drawn me to the show; they were the minimalist kind, and changed by the actors themselves while the stage dimmed, but were very varied and inventive, and in keeping with the story.
Dennis, Leslie, and I had good seats in about the middle of the theatre. We were with the others from Tuckerton First Presbyterian (the outing was sponsored by their church); I know several of them, some overlapping from Weight Watchers. Anyway, it was great fun.
Earlier in the day, I got wonderful news from Alison in the employment area. I won't post it until it's an absolute certainty, but suffice it to say (geez, it's cliche city around here), she got offers from both of the organizations she saw for interviews. Hey, the best thing she ever did (aside from marrying Mike) was getting that Master's degree.
Got e-mail messages from my Mike (as opposed, of course, to A.'s Mike) outlining the gifts he was sending. Also got a nice, newsy e-mail from Marge. I wrote back asking if she wanted to go to the "Christkindlmrkt" at the seaport today; also invited Leslie. However, it may be cold and rainy, in which case, I probably don't want to go myself.
This evening, I'll go to Judy's "tree-lighting ceremony" and party down the street. Luckily, it's at 5:30, so I'll go, circulate, have a bite, take some home for Pat, and leave reasonably early.
A wonderful life? Yes, it is!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...
Had a delightful lunch with my new (Wellspouse) friend, Mary L. yesterday. No problem getting to TGI Friday's in Toms River--in fact, ...
Thursday, August 23: Lunch with the most recent gang of company was nice. Had the menu I planned and everybody seemed to like it; just serve...
A. came again and I went to an Atlantic City School Board meeting last night with Dennis and Leslie. The idea was to support a parent (an at...
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