Thursday, July 05, 2007

Yesterday with the guys was great fun. Andy McE., Jack, Larry, and Pat talked and talked and talked, while I served up a typical summer lunch: a big green salad, cold cuts, hard-boiled eggs, several kinds of bread, beer (Andy and me), soda, lemonade, and watermelon. These are all St. James grads of the same era (Andy is a year older and went to ACHS for high school) with shared experiences and many mutual acquaintances. When you hear their stories, you have to believe that boyhood in Ventnor was idyllic from start to finish.
Was it really? Or was it because they were carefree boys living next to the Atlantic Ocean? Is their nostalgia colored by a yearning for what seems to be a simpler, kinder time? Or is it a bit of both?
The day guests stayed until about 4:00, then Larry and I got take-out for dinner: fried flounder for Pat from Brother's Pizza, Chinese for L. and me at The Flying Wok next door.
Alison called from the Dallas airport; they were to get home about midnight from their vacation in New Mexico. Good thing they have a few days before going back to work, especially because Joely's birthday party is Saturday. I must get his present soon; we get him a small gift, then add money to the trust fund Alison opened for him when he was born.
A word about Weight Watchers: Today, Thursday, is my usual day, but I told Leslie I wouldn't go until tomorrow because we're buzzing down to Absecon Island and want to go early. I have been overindulging while Larry's here and I'm prepared to hear I've gained a few. That's okay because I haven't been insanely out of control with eating and will resume my regime (love that alliteration!) when he's gone.


iloveac said...

Sounds like it was a good 4th...listening to their stories.
I bet you didn't gain and if you did, not much. Better to periodically indulge than to chuck the whole thing.
Yesterday, Rich had bought some cookies for the kids and asked if I wanted one. I told him if I'm going to waste calories it's going to be on calories that are worth Pepperidge farm chocolate chip. (store bought,but good).

EBJ said...

I wish I could have been a fly on the wall.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...