Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Pat enjoyed lunch with Ray at Beverly's and Marge and Fred accepted my invitation to the play on August 3. I volunteered to "work" there the following evening, handing out programs and signing people up to receive the Little Egg Players newsletter. Wish I could have continued being an actual member of the group, but I just didn't think I could devote the time to it. Still want to keep my hand in, though, even in such a peripheral way.
Pat's geezer friend, George, caught a big snapper turtle the other day and Pat suggested he sell it to a restaurant. George called last night to report he had done that--to a place near New Gretna--and they paid him twenty dollars, even though they already had a number of them. I asked Pat to find out where the restaurant is, as I love snapper soup myself.
Started on the antibiotic, but there's no change so far in my foot. Can't be exposed to strong sunlight (I understand the skin becomes photosensitive and you can get a burn), so will wear my straw hat for our walk.
Borrowed "Our Endangered Values," by Jimmy Carter (he also reads it) on tape and am listening with attention. It was a best-selling book I had meant to read, although I'm not religious and he makes no bones about being a committed fundamentalist Baptist. I surprised myself by finding it absolutely absorbing. I strongly recommend reading or listening to his thoughts, especially to those who are religious. His words clearly state his beliefs and remind those who follow Jesus, how far our leaders and their supporters have deviated from His path.
Hey, guess what day it is? Endocrinologist day! Will take Pat down to see Dr. S. in Ventnor this morning.


iloveac said...

I thought yesterday you said they'd probably go to Shirley's.....instead they went to Beverly's. No Joes' diner for them.

Be careful with that foot...not too much walking.

The Carter Book sounds good. I'll see if I can get it for my long trip.
I so agree with Jesus message. Yet am not religious.

Mimi said...

Oh, Eagle Eye Pat, you're right! I wrote "Shirley's" instead of "Beverly's" yesterday. Have no idea why I made that mistake--after all, Beverly's is THE place to be in Little Egg. Think I'll honor Betty by taking her there for lunch...

EBJ said...

Maybe you should make reservations for Beverly's AND Shirley's . I don't want to miss anything.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...