Sunday, July 15, 2007

Well, glory be, I went to the pool yesterday. Stayed about an hour--all the time in the pool, so I was wizened when I left--talking to friends and neighbors (they overlap, of course). Martha T. told me about a free theatre in Stafford that a lot of Sun Rise Bayers attend. It's right down Route 9 (everything around here is right down Route 9) and I may go some evening. Otherwise, just a this-and-that kind of day. I stopped at a yard sale in Galloway and got some boy toys for when Joely visits, went to Acme, and straightened up.
For a change, gave Pat scrapple and eggs for dinner and he actually said, "Boy, that hit the spot."
Patrick called last night. When I told him I went to the pool, he said he was on his way out to the pool himself. He swims roughly two miles every day and asked how many laps I swim. Had to tell him I just bob up and down.
E-mailed Jen and asked if I could pick Joely up on Wednesday, along with his cousin, Gabe, and bring them down for the day to go in the pool. As mothers know, it's actually easier (usually) to take care of two five-year-olds than one--they entertain each other. Haven't heard back from her yet.
Monday, Pat has a dermatologist appointment and Tuesday he sees the opthomologist. Both are in Manahawkin and I'm annoyed with myself for not making them on the same day. Getting my oil changed on Tuesday, too. (Boy, that's big news!)

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Love that scrapple. I don't even care what's in's sooo good.

Laughed at your word 'wizened'. When I was a child and playing in the tub my mother used to come in and look at my fingers (wizened) and tell me I needed to get out as I was turning into a duck. From then on...I would check my fingers and call to her...."I'm starting to turn into a duck". Forgot all about that til I saw you were wizened. Good thing you got out in time.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...