What a fun day we had! Called Jen to see if I could pick Joely up early, and that's what I did. Got there a little before 11, strapped him in the seat, then turned right around and drove back, arriving close to noon. I called Leslie to see if her granddaughters could come down and play. They did, but all three were all a little stiff and silent--that was to change.
They left and I gave Pat and Joely ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, making myself a big dish of broccoli. When J. saw that, he complained, "Why can't I have broccoli?" He loves the stuff and of course, I gave him a generous portion, all of which he ate with gusto. He said, "Gracias" for the broccoli.
I put beef stew in the crockpot for Pat and Larry's dinner (we had to leave at 5:00), then called for the girls again and took all three to the playground. They loosened up a lot--in fact, all started talked incessantly. They slid, swung, and climbed, then I took them a little way on the walk through the woods (there are trails). We then left that playground and went to the bay at Green Street (where Pat goes everyday); where there's other play stuff. I called home, found that Larry had arrived, and he and Pat joined us. After another half hour, went back home, told the girls we'd see them later, then jumped in the shower and dressed for "Peter Pan."
Walked the 3 houses down to Leslie's and we all--Leslie, Dennis, son and DIL Joe and Pia, Sierra, Aspen, Joel, and I--drove to Beach Haven on Long Beach Island to Surflight Theatre.
There were humongous numbers of kids there, of course--in fact, it was very crowded. The production seemed pretty amateurish, but somehow, that added to its charm. Thank heavens, it was a very truncated version, and lasted only about an hour, not the two we expected. After Joely assured me he was going to be "bored" (I think kids all go through this stage and actually, I think lots of what we do in life is to avoid being bored--some day, will elaborate on this belief), he loved the show.
We were home by 8:00 and I made popcorn while Joely entertained Pat and Larry. He's very talkative now, and oh-so-amusing as only just-turned-fives can be. He told us with great authority that vampires didn't live around these parts, but you have to be careful if you go to...to...he got stuck on "Transylvania," but we got the drift. He said his new baby brother would be named either Tristan or Jayden and would come out of Mom's belly pretty soon. He told me that the people in Austrialia speak Spanish and have to watch out for sharks. He said his birthday party (delayed because Nana Alison is still in New Mexico) would be at his Uncle Jake's house and that he wanted--and here followed a long list of items I never heard of before, including some electronic devices that carry $500 price tags.
Joel and Jen arrived about 9:00; they had gone to Borgota for dinner and we had a nice visit with them.
Oh, and after I had picked up Joel, next-door neighbor Barb D. came over to report on the latest on Anne Mary. She had called and asked Barb to bring her clothes to the hospital. A.M. keeps these in her car, so Barb had to drive all the way to Manahawkin to get her keys, then drive back with the clothes. She said A.M told her she'd "have to be transferred" to her North Jersey hospital, but now she's being discharged today after all tests were negative. Anne Mary called me after we got home last night to ask if I'd pick her up. I said I would--having made that promise--but I hope it isn't too late because Larry's here.
Jack B. called and will come over today. Maybe he and Larry will go somewhere local while I pick up the royal pain in the rear Anne Mary.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...
Had a delightful lunch with my new (Wellspouse) friend, Mary L. yesterday. No problem getting to TGI Friday's in Toms River--in fact, ...
Thursday, August 23: Lunch with the most recent gang of company was nice. Had the menu I planned and everybody seemed to like it; just serve...
A. came again and I went to an Atlantic City School Board meeting last night with Dennis and Leslie. The idea was to support a parent (an at...
Isn't spending the day with Grandchildren the best there is?
I think five year olds are so much fun. Our Brooke will be five in September. Great age...they can pretty much take care of themselves i.e. eating, dressing, entertaining.
Again, Rosemary, I am amazed at your energy level...driving over here and yonder..playgrounds twice...then off to see the show making sure Larry and Pat had something for dinner.
Tell me you are wiped out today, or send me some of your energy. You are like a 30 yr old and I envy you.
You know how to enjoy life.
Betty: Yes!
Pat: Hate to tell you, but I'm not wiped out today--in fact, I'm energized. I thrive on activity, especially such enjoyable activity as yesterday with Joely and friends. Tomorrow, Larry and I are going to Philly to tour the Eastern Penitentiary and other places. Once I read about somebody's theory that we spend a lot of time combatting boredom, and I believe it. We're a long time dead and I want to enjoy as much as I can for as long as I can.
P.S. My brother just turned 75 and he's full of energy,too--just ask Betty whom he visited a few weeks ago.
Your tour of the penitentiary sounds interesting. You'll have to tell us all about it.
Re Boredom:
I don't ever really get bored tho'. I'm content when I have nothing planned and yet, I enjoy going out...however, I'm always glad to get home.
I can't even think of something I would want to do or travel to.
We've done lots of fun stuff and I'm glad we did raft the Colorado, visit Ireland and Alaska 3 times each etc...yet I don't have the desire to go anywhere now. Fortunately Rich and I are about the same energy level.
And I love the grandkids....but I like it when they go home too....having a toddler to watch would not be something I'd want to do. However, I like being with the older kids or holding the newborns.
I think it's great you have the energy and desire to do things. Enjoy it all.
Rosemary you had a real "Nana'S" day. I agree with Betty that spending the day with Grandchildren is the best there is. We never had any interaction with my Grandmother as she went blind shortly after I was born. I think the memories of a Grandmother is something a child will remember the rest of his life. It's wonderful that you have the stamina to keep up with them.
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