Sunday, July 29, 2007

Did lots of household chores in the AM, including several loads of wash. After Pat went to the bay, I suddenly decided to go to the pool, although I'm supposed to avoid much sun due to the antibiotic. It was extremely hot and humid and the water felt great (I wore a hat and stayed only an hour). Saw neighbor Johanna M. there, and asked about Lyme Disease, which I remembered she had a few years ago. Her experience was really scary: She found a large lump under her skin in a very private part of her body. She was sure it was a growth and called her doctor immediately. Turned out it was a tick that had been there for a long time and, of course, had infected her with Lyme Disease. She had headache, fever, and other flu-like symptoms for days; also was so exhausted, could hardly get out of bed. I'm glad "my" tick hadn't been embedded and, I have no symptoms, so have no reason to think I got the disease. There is a bump where the tick was--not sure why--but the redness is almost gone.
Leslie and Dennis picked us up at 5:00 for an early dinner and we went to Calloway's. I had teriyaki salmon, and asked for another portion of string beans in place of potatoes. Les and I shared a carafe of White Merlot and the boys stuck to iced tea. Good time, great friends.
I had set the timer to call the Singapore crowd (they're 12 hours ahead of us, so it was Sunday, July 29 for them--Vivian's birthday), but Mike beat me to it. Vivian showed off her party dress--she looked adorable--and her thong-type pink sandals. I didn't even know they made them for three-year-olds, but she's usually barefoot, anyway, so I assume they were soon off.
(They don't seem to have ticks in the area, but they do have a "snake patrol" that drives the streets to find and snare the boas and others that occasionally show up. When I was there, I remember being in a park where the trees had signs that read: "Beware of falling snakes.")
Vivian held up the gingham dress, bathing suit and matching top I sent and said, "Thank you, Nana and Pop." Mike said they ended up with 36 invitees, because they wanted to include Vivian's classmates, and friends from their former place, plus the service apartment, plus the new place. Paula made a gorgeous "princess" cake Mike showed me on the video cam and they were renting a "bouncy castle" (I think the blow-up kind), as well as other fun items. Can't wait to see the pictures from the party.


iloveac said...

Snake patrol? Guess I won't be spending any time in Snakeapore. I guess I'll stay with my spiders, crickets and occasional bats and racoons.

The 'princess' themes are very big with little girls now. Our little Brooke is into it also. Hope you get some good pics which you can send.

And BTW, we aren't fat or flabby....we are just a little fluffy.

Mimi said...

"Fluffy" is good! I really like fluffy!

EBJ said...

36 three year olds! They will be very busy. It reminds me of when Wes was four. His Bday is near election day so I made a ,"Vote Four Wes" party I really went to a lot to make it different. Got stuff from both political parties and made posters of Wes as if he was a candidate.
The upshot is that years later when we were looking at pictures, the party came up and Wes said ,"I don't even remember that party".


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...