Thursday, July 12, 2007

Spent almost the whole morning on the phone. Had a good long chat with Betty, then SIL Regina called and we filled each other in on our husbands' conditions. After that, I talked to Marge; unfortunately, her allergies are very bad and she got little sleep, so we decided to postpone lunch--may go today, if she's better. Called Leslie to tell her I needed to go to WW today, when she has another commitment, as the cleaners come tomorrow. Called Elizabeth/Liz/Betty H. A., yet another St. James ('48) and Holy Spirit grad ('52) to extend my sympathy on the death of her sister.
On the same sad subject, I got a long e-mail message from Gerri F.B., also an HSHS '52 grad. I had written her after her sister, Patti (HSHS '55), died last month.
After everyday chores, went over to Santori's--again--for more produce. Got acorn and butternut squash, broccoli, mushrooms, and zucchini--I'm a wild woman when it comes to veggies!
Welcomed back Ray and Barbara, who had gone to a wedding at Gallaudet, the college for the deaf in Washington, D.C. They enjoyed it immensely. Susan and I will soon take Barb to lunch for her birthday, which was on June 28--but what's the hurry? Susan's birthday is in March and we took her to lunch in May.
Saw the rest of "Babel," a very long movie and it was absorbing. The last one we have is "Children of Men," which I understand is also good. I dislike watching T.V. in the daytime (and at night, come to think of it), but if it rains, maybe I'll put it in the machine.


iloveac said...

I loved 'Babel'...saw it in the theater. I thought the technique of 'experiencing' the deafness of the girls as they entered the club pulled you right in.

I love movies/stories about other cultures. In Babel I felt like I was at the Mexican wedding.

The interconnectedness (is that a word?) of it all was perfect for me. I thought it should have won Best Picture.

'Children of Men' I saw as 'Pay for view' on TV. It was intriguing, but somewhat of a downer for me. I also saw parallels with the new baby as 'Moses'...the buoy as the 'burning bush'...the ship Tomorrow....'faith in the future'. Is that a bit of a stretch? What did you think?

Mimi said...

Guess I didn't pay any attention to the symbolism; I saw it as an action movie mostly. I'm sure your interpretation is valid, though. I cried when the baby was born. Made me realize how very precious they are.
I see so few movies that I'm charmed and enthralled by most of them. However, I've now had my fill. MUCH prefer movies in the theatre and rarely rent them. Do want to see "The Good Shepherd," which I guess I'd have to rent, but I may lose interest in it soon.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...