Monday, July 30, 2007

This will be short because I can't put weight on my left foot. (Come to think of it, I don't type with my toes, so why would that matter?) I have a huge--I think it's a blood blister--where the tick got me and it now hurts. I'm not positive it's a blood blister, but according to the Web, it looks like it. Will call the doctor in a half hour and assume I can get in there today. Darn, I hope this doesn't prevent me from going to Renault's for lunch today with Susan, Barb, and Barb's sister. We plan to go to a "designer house" in Linwood after, too.
Mostly hung out yesterday, as it rained for a short time. Talked to Alison and she said it came down in torrents where she lives, only 30 miles away. She and Mike were caught in it--seven miles from home and on their bikes! They made it home, thoroughly drenched, of course, to find that water had gotten in the laundry room, and Lulu was gone. The dumb mutt (well, actually, she's a cockapoo) had gone out her dog door. They went to look for her, still drenched, of course, but couldn't find her. Finally, she came straggling in, wet, shivering, and covered with mud, but safe and sound.
May update later after this damn foot is examined.
Later: Luckily, I was able to get into the doctor at 10:00. She looked at this huge thing on my instep and said it wasn't a blood blister--there was mostly fluid in it--and decided to lance and drain it. She said she wouldn't ordinarily do that with a blister, but because I couldn't walk with that foot, she would. She did it, took a culture to send to the lab, told me to soak it at least once, and preferably twice a day, and to dress it with neosporin. I told her I was supposed to go out to lunch, then to the designer house in Linwood and she said if it doesn't bother me to walk, no reason why I can't. Doc said she had just been at the Linwood house; she laughed and said she liked the laundry room best, it was so attractive, but functional, too. (I had been leery about going to a female physician--the big feminist, ha!--but I really like Dr. K. I was charmed by her mention of the laundry room; a male doc probably wouldn't be caught dead at the house, let alone notice the laundry room--yay, Dr. Keiner!).
She wants to see me again in a week.


Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary, you were lucky that your blister was nothing more serious. It sounds awful. Please do as the Doctor said and soak it twice a day. It may be a little inconvenient for you as your always on the go. In the long run you'll be better off. Is the blister on the bottom or top of your foot?

iloveac said...

I hope it's not on the bottom of your foot. If so...stay off the foot til it is healed. If it's on activity as tolerated but do the soaks. I'm glad you were on antibiotics.

Hope you were able to go to lunch and then the tour. Let us know.

Mimi said...

The blister is (or was) on the bottom, unfortunately, but I was able to go yesterday. See today's blog.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...