Sunday, October 22, 2006

We're enjoying a quiet Sunday. Went to Acme this morning and have a Banquet Foods pot roast slowcooker dinner simmering. We'll see if it's as good as my "made from scratch" beef stew. I'm not too crazy about the fact that you have to first liquefy the sauce, then put the meat and most veggies in, then wait until 35 minutes before serving to put the potatoes in. Oddly, too, the directions keep telling you to wash your hands between steps--wonder why.
Heard by phone from sister Betty and daughter Alison, and should get a call from daughter Ellen later. Alison and Mike went to a wedding in Ban Salem last night; said they had a great time. Was also happy to get e-mail messages from son Patrick yesterday and brothers Frank and Jim today, as well as one from friend Lynne C. in Delaware. Oh, gee, I just realized I've heard from all my children except one, who's lounging around yet again in Beijing.
Suffered with Pat over another Eagles loss--with seconds to go, they scored a touchdown to be winning by one point, but with even fewer seconds to go, the damn Buccaneers got a field goal to win!! This is terrible and we'll remember it for the rest of our...until long as...hmm--what the hell were we so upset about now?
My knee was bothering me, so I finally took the Celebrex. The leaflet that came with it scared me so much ("...risks of heart disease, stroke, death...) that I was holding off. However, my knee actually feels much better and I think I'll continue. I do want everybody to know, just in case I suddenly drop dead, that I took the stuf--Pat can sue Upjohn for millions.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...