Saturday, October 28, 2006

My cold's still raging, but I perked up a bit after getting a good night's sleep, thanks to Nyquill (actually, a Rite-Aid knockoff). No longer have a sore throat, just lots of sneezing, runny nose-ness, and coughing.
Took Pat to Fort Dix yesterday and Dr. S. was so cordial I thought there must be something wrong with him. Not too much new--Dr. S. now takes a backseat to Pat's "community providers," that is, specialists we see around here.
Aside from Fort Dix, I didn't go out at all yesterday. When Pat went to the bay, I actually took a nap of about two hours. Had hot dogs and beans in the crockpot, served that, cleaned up, then lounged on the sofa until bedtime.
Got a message from friend Vivian asking if I'd like to go to a Wellspouse dinner in Manalapan on November 14. Yes indeed, I would and am looking forward to it.
Also got the wonderful news from sister Betty that she's to be a grandmother yet again, thanks to her son, Steve and DIL Robyn. Baby's due at the end of May.
Son Mike called and I also talked to darling little granddaughter Vivian. He goes back to Hong Kong tomorrow, then--I hope--will have some time at home.
Later in the day: A while back I posted one of my annoyance entries about being FORCED to provide my zip code to K-Mart when I wanted to use my debit card. (I feel like submitting a bill for marketing support.) Well, just now I bought some DayQuil (rather, a Rite-Aid knockoff), also using my debit card. Damned if the cashier didn't ask my birth date! What!?! She said it was a state law, presumably because I was buying something--albeit over the counter--that, I guess, could give me a high if I drank a gallon of it. This is infuriating! What does my age have to do with me being an addict or something? The cashier assured me it had nothing to do with age. What again?!? She said she couldn't sell it to me unless I gave her my birthdate. Poor woman, I know it isn't her fault, so I gave her my birthdate: January 15, 1982.

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