Thursday, October 19, 2006

I hate K-Mart and I hate Wal-Mart and I hate Acme, too. All three of them have been renovating recently with the attendant dust, noise, and workers all over the place, but of course, they won't have the stuff done at night or just close up for a few days. No, that would shave a dollar's worth off their profits, so they shove the inconvenience onto the customers and let them stumble around and try to find the stuff on their shopping lists.
To add i. to i., yesterday I bought more than fifty bucks worth of stuff at K-Mart (tissues, antibiotic ointment, coffee filters, and so on). I used my debit card to pay for it, and before I could continue, was required to provide my zip code. That absolutely infuriates me! Why in hell should I do their marketing crap for them? Of course, when I protest, I get a puzzled response from the cashiers--why would I have a problem with entering my zip code? Because I don't work for K-Mart, that's why! What I do now is to put in just a series of numbers--"55555," say--but I tell you, it drives me crazy (doesn't take much). By the way, Bed, Bath & Beyond has the same arrogant demand.
We went to the dermotologist yesterday and were told the growth on Pat's neck is squamous. He'll go to the other office in two weeks to have it removed under local anesthesia. The doctor also noticed the basal cell cancer (which crops up often) on Pat's forehead and told him to resume putting the ointment he had used before on it.
We took two cars so I could stay in Manahawkin and do my shopping and Pat could go home. When I got back he had gone to the bay and when he got home, he told me he had fished after one of his cronies offered him bait.
Alison called from the gas station and we had a nice chat while she was getting her tank filled. However, when she was ready to leave, the car wouldn't turn over. She had to call Mike to pick her up. I'll try to call her before they go on their Friday night hike tonight to see if the car's fixed.
She said DIL Lisa had invited all of us for Thanksgiving, but Pat doesn't want to make the trip to Rancocas, so we'll have it here.
Had beef tips for dinner last night. I want to get some apples to make pork chops with apples for tonight. I just came across the recipe and it looks good.


Anonymous said...

Dear "MiMi" 9if that IS your real name...)

I, for one, happen to LOVE Wall-Mart and K-Mar as they offer wonderful service and heartfelt gratitude. Well, even the last time I was in there, the cashier girl said "No problem" after I thanked her for taking my money! What do you think of that?!

btw... you don't have to fret about potentially missing out on great shopping ideas at these places any longer, 'cause I've added your email address to their mailing lists. Heck, I even put in your phone number so they can reach you easily. I said, "call anytime!" (But noted that 6-7pm is best!)

Well - have a special day!

Remeber what they say... an "eye for an eye"

Mimi said...

Anon, WHERE ARE YOU? I tried to e-mail you at your office and I don't think I have the right address. Anyway, you should be so lucky as to have Wal-Mart and K-Mart where you live! Actually, I was going to complain about a few other things, but think I'll save them for tomorrow.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...