Thursday, October 26, 2006

Had a drama club meeting in the afternoon yesterday (although our show isn't until next June). As one of the four directors, I try to get appropriate material from various sources and was able to come up with some. I'm also writing two skits. Fellow director and founder Marge and I chaired the meeting and it was okay.
Aside from that, just went to the store and "putzed around" (Pat's expression). Had barbecued ribs in the crockpot for dinner--delish!
Today, big news: Pat agreed to go to the movies to see "The Departed." Will check out where it is to decide if it's doable for him. One of the theatres is out, as it has steps outside and another has too long a walk inside.
Was pleased to hear via e-mail from both Edith W. from Wellspouse and Pat McH. R., an HSHS grad; she saw my message on "I Love Atlantic City, Memory Lane." Also, sent the pics from the St. James Gala to Liz A.
Hope son Mike is back from China; he was due in today. Also hope he doesn't have to travel more for awhile. I asked him if the house he bought in Hawaii was damaged in the recent earthquake (it's in Kona on the Big Island, which is just where the quake was), but haven't heard back from him.


Anonymous said...

So, MiMI, you are going to air family matters in this public forum... I hear that your son's house wasn't damaged aside from some lava falling out of the wall around the property. (He is, incidentally, back from Beijing, here for a few days and then off to Hong Kong - where, if his notty nosed kid is better - his family [and nanny, of course!] may join him for the weekend.)

Now, maybe it's time your readers (reader?) heard about how you ill-treated your children and the deep and painful scars they still bear...

NO, NO! not the basement, I'll be good, I promises NOOOOoooooo...

Anonymous said...

P.S. Hey, I know a great ONLINE POKER site...!

Chek it out:

Mimi said...

1.) Whatever my kids got, they deserved.
2.) This is hardly a public forum and if I use names, I don't add the last name, so don't be paranoid.
3.) Can't understand these commercial comments I get every now and then. Soon, I may have to add that "comment verification" thing.

Anonymous said...

Gee, and what a coincidence that it is called "MIMI's Poker Place" dot com.

What do you know about dat!

P.S. Son's snotty nosed kid is sick as are his ungrateful wife AND nanny... Maybe Daddy has to pack them all off to a hospital.

Not sure why they are sick, they just had such a good time at that chicken farm.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...