Friday, October 20, 2006

Okay, I have lots of other things to complain about, too. I bought the apples for the pork chops and apples dish (and it was delicious--another star to add to my dinner list), and had to spend time removing those infuriating little stickers they put on every piece of fruit. This, of course, is for the convenience (read "bottom line") of the grocer, the hell with the customer. Oh, sure, I could put them in the basket and just leave the damn things on, but it looks crappy, if you ask me.
Yet another complaint: Since when did "have a nice day" replace "thank you" in stores? That "have a nice day," of course, necessitates an automatic "thank you" from the customer! So essentially, what you're prompted to say is "thank you for allowing me to shop here and letting me give you money"?
I thought of another complaint: the packaging of everyday items that practically force you to use a tool (scissors, a knife, a screwdriver) and/or break your fingernails to get it open. This includes the inner lining of cereals, intimate apparel that, believe it or not, are rolled into little tubes, then taped so they fit in the package, and a multitude of goods that have a cardboard backing, but are covered with heavy plastic, impossible to penetrate, it often seems, by anything short of an atom bomb. Naturally, all this is to benefit the manufacturer, to suit its space requirements or whatever, not, NOT EVER to make life easier for the poor sap who bought the stuff.
Anyway, quiet day yesterday. It was very warm and after my morning walk with Susan, I drove to Atlantic County, picked up Pat's file at Dr. J.'s office (sad talking to his nurse practiciner), plus his x-rays at the hospital, then dropped them off at his new pulmonologist's. I did several loads of wash, ran the dishwasher, and puttered around, then assembled, baked, and served the pork chops and apples dish. Exciting times in Little Egg Harbor!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...