Sunday, October 29, 2006

Had a nice surprise yesterday afternoon: Alison called to invite us to dinner with Joel and Joely, as Jen was working. We went and had a nice time, getting home about 8:45.
Cold still hanging on. When Susan stopped this morning, it was only 6:15--she forgot about daylight being over. I would have walked with her, but wasn't dressed yet; hope I'll be better tomorrow.
After I got Pat's breakfast and medication, I went back to bed and slept about an hour. Got up, cleaned up the kitchen and fell asleep on the couch during the Eagles game (a disaster). I'm a great believer in sleep therapy when I'm sick.
Got messages from Edith and Viv, both friends from Wellspouse, inviting me to lunch at Smithville Inn (E.) and a Wellspouse dinner in Manalapan (V.). I was happy to accept and are looking forward to both outings. .
Anyway, we'll go to the H.'s shortly for the pizza party for the R.'s. Hope I don't infect anybody.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...