Monday, October 02, 2006

Swimming on Saturday seems to have helped my arthritic knee. It actually felt better when I got up yesterday and I even went for our walk with Susan, who's back from Cape Cod. Stayed for dinner at Alison's and enjoyed so much being with her and Mike.
Yesterday was quiet. I went to the store and talked on the phone to Betty, Ellen, Marge, Alison, and old friend and St. James classmate, Pat M. She's going to come over to measure the closet for the "office in a closet" I want. Pat has worked for a kitchen place in Ocean City for years. While I was out, Larry called and talked to Pat. Helen needs more surgery and other treatment for the growth under her eye, which is worrisome.
Got an e-mail from cousin Marifran with a wonderful account of her (and daughter Ilona's) recent trip to Ireland. It sounds fabulous and I can't wait for the pictures she'll send.
I roasted a six-pound chicken for dinner last night and had all the trimmings. It was good, but of course, we have about five pounds left. No matter: cousin John is coming and will stay for lunch, so I'll cut the chicken down for sandwiches. Uh-oh, John is vegetarian. Well, I'll serve hard-boiled egg sandwiches and salad, too.
Tonight I'm meeting Vivian and her daughter for dinner at the Japanese restaurant in Manahawkin. That should be great fun.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...