Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Yesterday, I wrote out a fair-sized entry, clicked on "publish" and got a message that that the site was getting routine maintenance, so it didn't go through! Annoying, as yesterday's entry was so fascinating, I'm sure my thousands of readers--well, dozens--okay, reader or two--would have found it memorable. However, now I can't remember what it was about, except for griping about paperwork and so on, so hmmm...maybe you didn't miss much.
Good news: Brother Frank, Marybeth, and daughter Maureen from California will be visiting (his) son and DIL in Baltimore, then will stay in Ventnor. We'll see them soon, I hope--I think they get into Baltimore today, and Frank will call.
Had beef tips in gravy for dinner last night--what a talented cook I am. Actually, my skill extended to taking the container out of the freezer and putting it in the microwave. It was good, though.
No plans for today, so I'm more-or-less aimed at getting my desk cleared up and even maybe going into the drawers and throwing things out--yes! That's a good project. Will also--if I'm in the mood--tackle filing yet more paperwork and try to get the stuff out of sight.


Anonymous said...

Dear MIMI'S MUSING publisher,

Due to continued low readership of your 'blog' (if you really want to call it that), the management is compelled to terminate your account with Blogger.

While this is an unusual step, we have monitored zero activity on your site consistantly and it is occupying valuable cyber-space.

We have recently received enquiries from other potential bloggers with, in our opinion, more potential appeal to readers, namely: "Toilet Brush Monthly - this blog will make you flush" And, the "Joy of Root Canal" by the Afghani vision-impared dentistry cooperative.

We appreciate your understanding in this matter.


Blogger Management

Mimi said...

You ACTUALLY had me taking this seriously for a minute, Anon! Guess the toilet brush blog was a little over the top. Anyway, it made me to laugh.
DON'T MISS tomorrow's entry, when I reveal the secrets of getting a new windshield!! You'll want to forward it to everybody you know!


Busy day. Got my train tickets for Encinitas on line. Finished most of my packing and tidied up a bit. After that, it was a walk to BOA to g...