Saturday, July 08, 2006

Jack B. stopped in yesterday morning, a nice surprise. I left Pat and him talking and exited about 10:30 to go various places. Finally got my new glasses ordered; I'm getting new frames for the first time in 15 years. Also got a lot of other errands done. Stopped at the godforsaken Atlantic City Airport, as I assumed they have a currency exchange (after all, they bill themselves as "international"), but oh, no-o-o, they don't have any sucha thing. Well, the hell with them. Guess I'm stuck with pounds sterling for awhile.
I actually had lunch out--at the Hamilton Mall--letting Pat get his own, which he did all right. When I got home, he had gone to the bay. He also stopped at the tackle shop and used one of his gift certificates to get a new fishing box. When he got home, we went looking for the huge concrete blocks--they're as big as houses--that still exist in Tuckerton right in residential neighborhoods. They were used to hold the guy wires for a gigantic radio antenna, which is why one of the main streets around here is called "Radio Road." We found three of them, and I took pictures to send Ellen. One is plunk in the middle of a street, which goes around it. I'll stop at the Tuckerton museum today to ask when they were put in.
Had hot dogs and beans for dinner, an okay meal once in a while.
Alison will be here today to cut Pat's hair. I may run over to Boscov's to complete my chores while she's here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang on to them pounds sterling, and perhaps your son will take them off you hands when he visits in early August... do you have enough to cover a glass of wine?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...