Sunday, July 09, 2006

Alison did a great job of cutting Pat's hair. It actually looks better than what a barber could do. And yes, she used the same clippers she had on Lulu, but so what? She hasn't done Lulu for years, leaving that to a dog groomer.
While A. and P. were engaged in his prettification, I headed for Boscov's to shop. However, I no sooner got on the Parkway South than I got off at Smithville; the traffic was bumper-to-bumper and I didn't feel like getting into it. Instead, I turned north and went to Reynolds in Manahawkin. Got what I wanted and also stumbled on some great small storage boxes, nicely decorated, that I'll use to organize things when I clear out the study closet today.
Stopped at the Tuckerton Historical Society to find more info on the concrete blocks I mentioned yesterday. The radio antenna was erected in 1912, so the blocks have been there 94 years and, it seems, they can't be deconstructed. I was told there's as much material (concrete, I think) below the ground as there is above and even blasting wouldn't work. There are only three, all of which I took pictures of. An intriguing situation and worth seeing. Incredibly, the antenna that was supported by guy wires attached to the blocks, was 830 feet high--unbelievable! (Son Mike finally called yesterday and I told him about this. I know he's eagerly awaiting his chance to see the blocks when he's here next month.)
Got home with A. and P. right behind me. They had gone down to the Dock Street bay, which Pat enjoyed. Alison stayed for another hour or so and as ever, we loved having her. She said she'd be back next Saturday when I go to Spring Lake to meet Wellspouse friends for lunch.
Made chicken drumsticks for dinner last night. I breaded them, but baked them in the oven and they came out great. Pat said they were really good, which I was glad to hear.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...