Wednesday, July 05, 2006

We had a quiet, but very enjoyable, Fourth of July. Helped Pat to shower and dress, puttered around, did various chores, went to the store, and so on early in the day. After lunch, Pat said he again wanted to drive to the bay. This time I didn't go with him, but he took the cell. Shortly after he left, Alison called to say she and Mike were about a half hour away, so I told them Dad went to Radio Road and they met him there. When they and Pat got back in 45 minutes or so, we sat around and chatted, then had an old-fashioned 4th of July dinner: hamburgers (chicken burgers for Alison), potato salad (but I bought it--shame on me!), devilled eggs, salad, baked beans, iced tea, and beer. In addition, Alison brought fresh corn on the cob (from her next-door neighbor, who has a produce stand on Route 539) and delicious double-blueberry pie she made herself. We ate and talked, talked and ate, and had a good time.
Pat really needs a haircut, Alison noticed, and she said she'd come down Saturday to cut his hair; Mike goes to his botany class that day. Alison sometimes trims Mike's hair and often does Lulu's in between visits to the dog groomer. Will she use the same clippers on her Dad as she does on Lulu?? We'll find out.
Have a lunch date with Marge today and we want to try the bakery cafe in the new shopping center behind Rite-Aid.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...