Monday, July 10, 2006

Yesterday, after my morning walk with Susan, I spent the whole day cleaning out the closet in the study. Good lord, what a job! I threw away four big bags of stuff and rearranged everything else--it's great to slide open the door and see how neat it is. About 1:00, I took a break long enough to put country ribs in the crockpot with barbeque sauce and hey--if I say it myself, and I do, they were great! Pat said it, too, and it isn't often he's that complimentary about dinner.
Now it's Monday. Rose, the visiting nurse, just drove up, so I'll close until later.
Later: Pat about the same; his edema has improved somewhat; his lungs are shot, of course, but Rose didn't hear any wheezing, and his blood pressure is good. Just got back from Shop-Rite in Manahawkin--SO crowded, as ever, unless you go at 7 am, which I used to, but can't now. Got wild salmon for me--at $9.99 a pound, it was a lot more than the farm-raised, but I think it's better. Flounder was $11.99 a pound!!! Fer cryin' out loud, the ocean's practically right outside the door! Didn't buy it; will give Pat something else--he doesn't like salmon.
2:30: just got in and Pat's at the bay. Toyed with the idea of going to the pool--it would be wonderful in the heat--but I enjoy so much being by myself for a change in this home I love, decided against it. Will just veg out here...

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Weight: home down a pound to 124.4; T.O.P.S., down .03 to 125.2, so okay. The meeting was the usual: therapy session and general chat for mo...