Friday, July 14, 2006

Just got a call from sister Betty (geez, she sounds like a nun--I don't think so), who said little Claire is darling, but cries a lot. Hmm, that's a surprise. Imagine a 3-week-old baby who cries a lot. But--aha! Betty always said Carolyn cried a lot, too. Guess the cosmos is getting back at her.
I'm now a ravishing brunette again, rather than a mousy indeterminate.
I did indeed get meatball subs for dinner last night. Not sure which was better: the delicious, billion-calorie sub or not having to cook.
Am just sitting around waiting for the cleaning people to come. I now have them do only the floors and I'm not absolutely positive it's worth it. On the other hand, I pay them less, and I can certainly do the dusting, etc. myself.
P.S. It's INCREDIBLE what isn't recognized by the spell check on this blog. "Meatball," for one--they always want it to be two words. The names of medical specialists are almost never accepted: "pulmonologist," "hemotologist," and so on. Okay, maybe I can understand that, but other very common words come up as wrong. The funny thing is, they always want to replace "blog" with something else! They should keep some English majors on board, and let the techies just tech themselves...


Anonymous said...

A NUN???????????

Mimi said...

No fear, anon, it only sounds like you're a nun when I write "sister Betty." Well, I guess, "Sister Elizabeth" is more nun-like--maybe I'll switch to that.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...