Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Went to the pulmonologist's this afternoon and we're heartened by the slight improvement in Pat's blood oxygen level and a few other things. These are, of course, very nominal changes, but at least they're something. There are also some other things going on that are hopeful--too long and involved to explain here.
I got my new glasses and don't like them at all. The bifocal part is good and allows me to see close up much better. However, the distance sight isn't even as good--I think they put the bifocal part up too high. I'll take them back tomorrow, if possible, and see what can be done.
Chicken legs in the oven for dinner, along with potatoes au gratin. I'm hungry and will have a snack beforehand.
Aside from the doctor's, it was a pretty boring day.


Anonymous said...

"went to the pulmonologist's this afternoon and we're HEARTENED..."


Do you want some crackers to go with that cheese???


Mimi said...

Heh, smarty pants, a pulmonologist is a LUNG doctor, a cardiologist is a HEART doctor, so where's the pun, hun??? Who are you anyway, the first Anon in disguise?

Anonymous said...



I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...