Saturday, January 14, 2006

Had a wonderful time hosting our domino club last night. Our friends didn't leave until after 11, though, and I, being compulsive, had to clean up and wash everything (I used the good china and silver which can't go in the dishwasher) before bed, so I didn't turn in until after midnight. I STILL woke up at 6:20, but think I'll go back in for a morning nap.
Well, from my prospective, it wasn't too bad--but not too good, either. I pretty much stuck to the gingered fruit compote, although that's hardly a WW food, being laced with sugary syrup. Also, I had two (very small) glasses of the Irish cream I made myself (exactly like Bailey's), containing whiskey, eggs, and heavy cream. I had some small pieces of the Amaretto cake, but didn't touch the apple crisp. As seems to happen with me, after I over-sugar myself, I get up the next day feeling empty, and am tempted to eat a large breakfast. Think I'll have an egg.
What's coming up, food-wise? Well, tonight we'll hear friend Leslie speak on her Mississippi experiences helping flood victims and attend a potluck supper at her church. Think I'll contribute the rest of the fruit compote for that. Pat's niece, Donna, and our daughter Alison are coming for dinner on Monday. On Tuesday, several of us are going to the ice show at one of the A.C. casinos, and that includes lunch. Wednesday we have our regular dinner out, and on Friday, my WS friends Vivian and Anita are coming for dinner.
Talk about your constant struggle--!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...