Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Oh, joy! Good news all around yesterday. First, I went to the doctor and she discussed the results of my blood tests. Blood sugar (112) needs to be watched, but my cholesterol is under 200--198, to be exact! First time in years it's been that low, so I was very pleased. Doctor did say I must continue to lose weight and exercise and I will, I will.
Had time to get to WW after all, a little late, and was weighed after the meeting. I lost 1 1/2 pounds! Happy day! Yes, I'm on my way to 20 pounds off by London! It's a little annoying that Cristine recorded my new weight on the WW card she keeps, but forgot to do it in my book. I THINK--but things have gotten so confused, I'm not sure--that I'm barely back into the 180's, I think 189 point something. Next week will get it clarified.
Had salmon for dinner, then cracked open a bottle of cream sherry. Shouldn't have, but I did, treat myself with two glasses, plus pretzels. What's funny is that "wine" is listed in the WW book as a certain number of points, but they don't distinguish among wines. Seems to me that a light Rhine or Chardonney would be less than say, the cream sherry, which is sweet.
Tonight, our regular Wednesday dinner out. Not sure where we'll go, but I'll order wisely.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...