Sunday, January 08, 2006

Well, yesterday I fell down. Had a piece of pizza and a deli sandwich, plus two pieces of ice cream cake. What can I say, it was my grandson's birthday. Got home and had my wine, plus pretzels. Was tempted by the ice cream in the freezer, but had the Jello/yogurt dessert with topping, which is pretty innocent. Back to the right stuff today.
Exercise: At the clubhouse with friends, I exercise to Leslie Sansone's "Walk Away the Pounds" (the three-mile walk) three days a week at 8 am. On the other days, Susan and I often walk about a mile in the morning, but this is somewhat sporatic. I firmly believe that exercise is essential for everybody, especially women over--well, "of a certain age," as the 19th century novelists used to write. Now this is regardless of weight. I recall seeing a T.V. news segment affirming that those who exercise regularly, even if overweight, are in better health and live longer than thin people who are sedentary.
It's amazing how many women I know in their 50's and 60's who virtually never exercise. They may think they're excused because they're retired or because their muscles get sore after the first few sessions (duh!), or because they're just delicate flowers or something.
But! The idea that weight can be controlled through exercise while you eat all you want is just a pipe dream. Unless you do hard physical exercise 5 hours a day or something, that almost never works. It's still a question of calories in versus calories out, and it's just too difficult to expend enough energy to offset that slab of steak or piece of cheesecake you ate yesterday.
On that topic, I get crazed when I hear people (invariably female) parrot the old idiocy about "losing inches, not pounds." After a certain point, how is it possible to do that? Is the fat just compacted into a smaller and smaller body? Then what? Can you continue carrying 250 pounds on a 5' 4" frame, but look svelte because you're losing "inches"? Never understood that.
Tirade over--have a good day! I resolve to do the same, although I'm attending a Women's Club reorganization meeting and believe they'll have a dessert table. Don't think it's a problem; I'll have a sensible lunch first and I'm usually not tempted by sweets during the day.

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