Friday, January 20, 2006

In the food and errands department, did just what I recorded yesterday. In the evening, drank my wine, ate the few pretzels left (I love the "extra dark" kind), um, but then ate the rest of the cookies Leslie brought me last week. I'm mad at myself this morning and as ever, am puzzled over why I can't seem to keep myself from sweets at night. During the day, I'm indifferent to them, but I have this terrific drive to indulge after dinner. Okay, back on the program, Rosemary.
At Santori's, I bought tomatoes, zucchini, onions, bananas, and feta cheese. When Vivian (and possibly, Anita) come for dinner tonight, I'll serve chicken some way or other, a zucchini casserole, some kind of potatoes, and salad. May add fruit salad and will put out the delectable chocolate-covered pretzels Donna brought on Monday.
Meeting with the guy from Cheevey's at Atlantis this morning about possibly having Pat's birthday lunch there instead of at home. May be easier, depending on how many guests come. More on this later.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...