Thursday, October 08, 2020


I walked to the post office and got my mail to grand- and great-grandkids in Jersey and Asia stamped. I had forgotten to bring my address book to NM, but filled in the addresses later, getting them from my hostess. I took the walking path next to the golf course, which is nicely tree-shaded and pleasant. From there, I went via the street to Dollar General to pick up a few little things.

Lunch, then I spent the better part of an hour on the phone with Medicare and Blue Shield about enrolling in a Dental Plan. I went around and around about what's covered and what's not and I don't want to elaborate further on that.

Accompanied my host and hostess to a country club in the next town. They have property and will be playing pickleball there. When I got back, I resumed my calls to Blue Shield. We were also preparing for a call from the oral surgeon, but he didn't call. We'll just have to deal with that today.

Dinner again on the deck and later, we sat out there with the fire. If this isn't Paradise, it's a close second.

Note: I'm probably just going to write some sketchy entries most of the time. We're really busy, usually on the go, and I just don't have the time--and, I guess, the inclination--to write much. My photos are still refusing to be transferred, which is a disappointment, but I'll keep trying. 

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