Thursday, October 22, 2020

Capitan (Monday)

Yoicks! I don't know how it happened, but somehow, this entry was still in draft. It should have appeared on Tuesday, as it's what we did on Monday--I must be losing it. Okay, so there are two entries for today.  

In the morning, my hostess and I drove to Capitan, a little village about twenty miles away, for a walk. We went either 3.75 or four miles, not sure which, since there was some discrepancy between signs and my "My Tracks" app. However, it don't make no never mind, as the saying goes. Capitan's claim to fame is that it's the birthplace of Smokey, the bear. When I was in NM last year, we went to the museum and "interpretive garden" there. We drove to it after our walk, but it was closed because of COVID. We did drive into the town and went to Smokey's supermarket for lettuce and other essentials. 

Home for lunch on the deck and laptop work to find a good Airbnb in Santa Fe for our trip there. We'll leave on Friday, just the two of us and will be there for five days while my host's son is here for hunting. 

Later in the afternoon, I actually took a nap. We had been up late (for us, meaning 10:30 pm) having had company on Sunday. Had shrimp and fresh beets for dinner, then indulged our mutual passion, Better Call Saul. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...