Friday, October 09, 2020


About 8:00 am, we set off for the P.O., where I dropped off my mail; then at my companion's direction, we walked to the National Park forest and did the 1.3 mile fitness trail. It was so enjoyable to walk under the towering trees (mostly pine and cedar) and the dirt trail was fairly easy. We then walked a different route home. I think, all told, we went between four and five miles.

Had lunch, then took off for our beautification appointments: My hostess had a hair appointment and I got a manicure. After that, it was the supermarket, then home for dinner on the deck.

I was finally able to get some of my hostess's pictures transferred and here are some of our trip. The first two are, of course, of the G.C., the third, just read the sign, and the fourth is at the Petrified Forest. I have no idea way, but this is the only one of that group I can get to post here. Also, I still can't seem to transfer my own pictures from my phone to my pictures. 

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