Saturday, October 03, 2020

Grand Canyon, Day Three

Last day at the Canyon and it was a beauty. We spent most of the day walking trails, over-looking, and taking pictures.  I still can't get mine out of my camera--long story,, but here's one from my hostess:

Unfortunately, it's one of her few mundane ones. There are dozens or hundreds of others by all three of us that are much more notable. They just won't seem to transfer, but I hope to be able to post them before too long.

We hiked the rim toward Angel Bright Overlook and several others, including the mule ride trail which I went only part way down--it was much too scary for me. Ate our packed lunch, then took the very convenient buses to various gorgeous viewpoints and structures. I guess our walking totaled about five miles in all yesterday. 

Got back to Williams about 6:00, then went out to dinner at The Brewery (patio area). This was such fun. I had a bratwurst with sauerkraut and sides, plus a wonderful IPA pale ale (well, I'm half German, after all) and we had a ball talking and laughing. It was outside, of course, and got a little cool, but gas fire containers (I know that's awkward, but indulge me), designed to look like barrels, were set up and were adequate.

 After, we went back to the little home on wheels, got comfortable, and watched two more episodes of Better Call Saul. It was a wonderful day in a series of wonderful days. 


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...