Friday, October 16, 2020

Medication And "My Tracks"

In the morning, the two of us hiked the Apache Trail at the Inn of the Mountain Gods, a casino/resort high up over Ruidoso. It was uphill at times (the signs said up to a 13% grade) and we went a total of 4.1 miles. It was a fairly cool, crisp day and the scenery was, of course, ravishing.

Home for lunch and to clean a bit, then we drove to Wal-Mart to get a few items for a dinner party on Sunday AND to finally pick up my medication. That last? It didn't happen. The pharmacy had one of the meds, but not the other--damn! The clerk gave me some story about how, if I wanted the other, I'd have to pay twelve bucks for it. What? I have insurance that covers it! The upshot was I yet again had to call Blue Shield when I got home. After the usual long waits, I was told that, indeed, the med was there and ready to be picked up. Somebody named "Richard" at Wal-Mart had confirmed that. I hope and expect he's the pharmacist in charge and that, once I go back for the third time, I can pick up the damn things.

I sent out checks to Tony, the landscaper, and Bob for shutting down the sprinklers, then took off at 5:00 for the pickleball courts where my hostess was playing. At my request, she had added to my phone an app called "My Tracks," which records walking distance. We haven't yet perfected its use, though; for one thing, it keeps showing kilometers, not miles. However, we calculated I walked roughly five and a quarter miles yesterday, somewhat more than I usually do.

After pickleball, we drove home, ate din-din, then--our joint addiction--watched two more episodes of Better Call Saul

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