Sunday, August 09, 2020

The Door And The Non-DVD

Finally, the painters came to finish the front door by painting the strip on the knob side. I had to keep it open for forty-five minutes while it dried, but that was no problem; Suzanne and I sat out front and talked.
Rather, she talked, I listened. She's been under the gun with conducting diabetes classes on Zoom and having to do all the clerical work (registration of participants and so on) herself, because the manager and the support person are too busy with the food bank run by St. John's. She must have apologized four times for "venting," but she said she knows I was in HR and just wanted to talk about the situation. If she had asked for my advice, I would have told her to start making noise about it--insist to her manager and the VP that she needs help. But she didn't ask and I know that ain't gonna happen. She's a Sister of Mercy, this is her calling, and presumably, she's going to offer it up.  However, she said it helped her to talk about it and she thanked me.
Went to the Market, then Wal-Mart, where I had my front door key duplicated--in fact, I got two of them. I wanted to give one to Ellen and maybe one to Suzanne, if she'll accept it. It occurred to me that El lives 35 minutes away and in case of an emergency, somebody closer should have one.
However, the whole thing is mute because neither one of them work.  It could be that when the locks were changed when the place was sold, it was arranged that the key couldn't be duplicated. I'll ask about that.
While I'll was in Wal-Mart, David W. called. He's one of those in our tiny anti-utilities bill group. He said he'd like to come over and give me the ten bucks--his share of the thirty-five I spent for the attorney. He did so and I trust James will, too. I'm not sure if I'll try to pursue this further or not.
Called Ellen and we talked. She has to come to Ventura in the next few days and will come here for a visit.
Picked up the mail and got my new referral for the dermatologist--now I'm supposed to got to Oxnard! So annoying--could it be there are no skin doctors in Ventura? Don't tell me, let me guess: There are, but the insurance companies come first, never, never the patient. I don't know whether to refuse this one, too, or just have the Access van take me.
Another annoyance: I had ordered The Talented Mr. Ripley from an Amazon company, got it, and found that it's a VHS, not a DVD. I could return it, but it cost only  thirty-two cents with tax, BUT postage was $3,99, which they don't reimburse. Also, it would cost me that much in return postage, so I'd be out by almost eight bucks. I was probably my fault, anyway, so I'll just chalk it up to experience.
Damn, at this point, I think I've got more experience than I need. 

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