Tuesday, August 25, 2020


I stripped the bed and put the sheets and the few other things in the washer, which now seems to be my Monday morning routine.
Got a call from ARC at 8:00 to tell me the truck for my donations would be here in a half hour. Good. I managed to drag the large container to the front, then went back for my cart (I wasn't donating that, just the things I conveyed in it).
The guy was late, as he couldn't find the place. (Considering it takes up a full block and the name and address are prominently displayed, that's puzzling, but oh, well.) I had to call twice to try to guide him here via the phone person, and I got annoyed because he wasn't here until 9:00.
But good grief! Did I have some urgent appointment, some pressing need, some overwhelmingly important duty? I complain about not having enough to do, yet I get grouchy if some poor working stiff is a little late. I should be ashamed and I am.
Anyway, here's what I donated and what a relief to finally get it out of my bedroom:
(I asked for, and got, a tax receipt and will provide Michelle with it when the time comes.) Went over to Von's for cottage cheese and, incredibly, they had only small tubs. It's s mystery to me why different things suddenly become scarce. I can understand Clorox Wipes, but cottage cheese? I did buy a pound and a half of fresh crimini mushrooms, which I love seasoned and roasted in the oven.
After lunch, I walked to Wal-Mart and, of all places, found cottage cheese there. I also bought some nice (frozen) ahi tuna steaks, and a pair of jeans. 
Went outside to the patio to dead-head the daisies, water the plants with Miracle-Gro added, and otherwise, tidy up a bit. I also picked the few cherry tomatoes off Suzanne's plants. She should--I think--be coming back soon, but I don't remember when. 
Finished watching the hi-jinks of the murderous Corleone gang and will start disc two this evening. Two observations: 1.) The reconfiguration was excellent, the picture quality sharp and the colors perfect. 2.)Watching it again confirmed my belief that Diane Keaton must have slept her way into the movie. Her acting style is so blah--lazy, limp, and lackadaisical--that she should have been bumped off instead of Tessio. 

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