Tuesday, August 04, 2020


The seesaw continues: I got an early call from William to convey the news that condensers are on back order and he's looking at next week before it comes and the AC is fixed. That was a downer, but he also said he had gone to the house on Saturday and put the whatever-it-is in. Why Eileen didn't tell me that is beyond me, but dammit, I'm sick of this whole thing.
The upper--the good part--is that Will said he'd stop at the house and explain this to Eileen, also tell her not to put the temp down too low.  Great, I'm tired of dealing with it, anyway.
I called the doctor's office to tell the designated person I wasn't going to the dermatologist in Camerillo. I was all prepared to go into hysterics about it, but she acquiesced immediately and said I'd get a new letter to that effect. Fine--but if I die of the creeping crud in the meantime, it's their fault.
Took my trusty cart and walked to the market for lettuce, carrots, and mushrooms, then saw a nice red kitchen mat and bought that. I now have a surplus of mats, but I'll sort them out, use some, and donate the others.
Betty called three times to ask when I was coming to Santa Barbara. Even during one of the conversations, she asked twice if I was coming "today." No, Wednesday, but I doubt if she will remember that, either.
Ellen called and we had a long talk. It's always a treat to talk to either of  my daughters. The sons? Meh. I don't really mean that, but let's face it, girls are girls and I am one. I am in touch with my boys, of course, but it's a different relationship.
Incidentally, I've gotten communications from my older son lately, nagging about the Comcast debacle. I'll have to deal with soon, I guess.
After lunch, I took a bus to the mall/transit center, then just took the 6 out to the end of Ventura Avenue and back. Before he turned around, the driver ask if I was getting off. "No," I said, "I'm just along for the ride." That was fine by him and I enjoyed the ride.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...