Thursday, August 13, 2020

Cindy, The Hairdresser, and Mr. Ripley

Busy day. After breakfast, I took my cart to the Market for produce, then to Wal-Mart to get my money back for the keys that didn't work. One of these days, I'll take it to the actual key place near WinCo. Walked there and part of the way back, so got in about three miles; bused the rest of the way.
I tidied up in preparation for Cindy, the hairdresser and had lunch a bit early because she was due at 2:00 and I wanted to shower and wash my hair. Did so, then got a phone call from Cindy to say she was running late and had to "stretch out my back" (I have no idea) and would be here at 2:30. She finally arrived close to 3:00 and I escorted her to my place.
Cindy, I learned, has been divorced twice and has a 26-year-old daughter who's been living in sin with her boyfriend for many years. (She didn't actually use those words, but they were hanging in the air. Cindy is horrified they're not married.) Her son, who's 21, is in an even more deplorable situation. He has renounced Christianity, put his immoral soul in peril, and joined a cult--Scientology, in fact and now lives in the commune in Florida. Has she gone to visit him there? Certainly not, he's lost to her. Cindy herself attends two of the many tiny congregations in Ventura--a missionary church and the Blessed Something-Or-Other, both staunchly fundamentalist, of course.
Anyway, she cut my hair, after which I took her next door to Suzanne's. I swept up, then barely glancing in the mirror first, rushed out to the bus and went to the library in town. I had requested The Talented Mr. Ripley DVD and it was in, so I got it.
Both Betty and Ellen had called just as Cindy was starting to cut. I called them back, first Betty, who had a somewhat jumbled up account of her doctor's visit (about her knee, which had been bothering her.) Called El, who suggested I come over to her place today rather than over the weekend because  the temperature was supposed to be ninety and above then, at least in Ojai; on Sunday, the forecast says it will be 105 there. Sure, I'll go today, and I'll arrive there at noon for lunch. As I was riding home, Suzanne texted me about how much she liked the way Cindy did her hair and thanked me for finding her. I have a theory about hairdressers. I think they often are very good at cutting certain types of hair and maybe not so good at others. Suzanne has lovely wavy hair that I'd kill for and yours truly has fine, straight as a ruler hair that used to be thick, but is now thinning a fair amount. I think Cindy did a lousy job on mine and I'm very sorry I didn't just leave it as it was. I think it also may be a case of you get what you pay for: It cost me fifty-four dollars at Club Salon, but the hairdresser shaped it beautifully, curving it inward just at my ears. Cindy charged twenty bucks and I think it looks chopped off by an amateur.
Oh, well, I guess it will grow. And last night, I watched an hour of Matt Damon, and Jude Law interacting with Gwyneth, so how can I complain? 

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