Sunday, August 23, 2020

My Day And March Mail

Did a load of wash in the morning before taking off for the library. I picked up The Talented Mr. Ripley (the volume includes the two other "Ripley" books), then walked to the Market for a few things. I had intended to bus home, but started walking and did that, instead. I probably got in more than three, about which I was pleased.
I was even more pleased after lunch, when I ran into Scott, from the office, who asked if I had my new gate remote with me. Sure, and he asked me to click open the front gate. I did, and happy day, I'm now able to access that one, besides the two closest to me. Now when I walk back from the bus, I don't have to go around.
Betty's erstwhile (well, maybe she's not so erstwhile, but will be soon), Helen C., called me. She said Betty had called her Friday and she "doesn't want her to call me all the time." What? It seems Betty prattled on about the Miseracordia graduate list--she's told me about it several times, too--and I guess Helen thought it was an imposition. R.N. though she is, Helen doesn't seem to understand what dementia means. I advised Helen to simply tell Betty she's busy if she calls again, but frankly, when I hung up, I was angry. Dammit, couldn't she talk to Betty for five minutes, and just be patient? Apparently not.
After lunch, I was at loose ends, so I just hopped on the Oxnard bus, rode there, then back on the 6. Betty called while I was traveling and it was difficult to hear her, so I told her I'd call when I got home, which I did. I poured myself a small raspberry sangria, opened a bag of pretzels, and sat outside in the shade to talk. 
Last evening, I started on The Godfather saga. The Don had been shot and left for dead when I turned in, Fredo sitting on the curb crying. Michael, whatya gonna do now?
Incredibly, I found at my door just now, an envelope from son in Japan. It contained a lanyard for my phone, which I had mentioned I wanted. It was sent on March 31, 2020--oh, just about five months ago. (I took a picture of it, but for some reason, can't get it to "send" to email.)

1 comment:

iloveac said...

I wonder why Helen made a point of telling you. I would think she herself could come up with some kind of solution. Did she think you were going to take care of it? Maybe she has some cognitive impariment herself ...she certainly doesn't show much compassion. Even though I understand it's difficutl to communicate with people who have dementia, it's not difficult to be kind. She doesn't speak well for my profession. All she has to do is get caller ID and just answer Betty once in a while saying she was out of town or something.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...