Monday, August 31, 2020


Sunday, Sunday, what a bum day. Well, that doesn't rhyme, but I don't care.
Actually, it wasn't so bad, although the crossword sucked. I finished that, cleaned up a bit, then took my little cart and walked over the footbridge to the park. Walking there, I got a welcome phone call and plans are afoot--well, I won't say more just now.
I left off two books and borrowed three from the little lending library, then bused to WinCo. Got  spinach, butternut squash, fajitas, and--oh, joy!--two containers of disinfecting wipes. They're not from Clorox, they're WinCo's own brand, but I don't care if they were manufactured in the hottest part of Hades--I got them, finally, and what a joy! I took the bus back to Victoria, but walked from there, so all-in-all, I got in about four miles, maybe more.
Betty called to tell me what a great time she and her family had at Carolyn's on Saturday. I thought to myself, "I wonder if she knows how lucky she is." I'm so thankful to have my younger daughter so close, but I rarely see my other children. Then I was ashamed, because I remembered Betty will  never see one of her children again.
I'm in the middle of the book, Hello, Darkness, My Old Friend, and the premise is fine, the story interesting (young man goes blind at nineteen, thanks to an incompetent ophthalmologist, but excels in life anyway), yet I find it a little draggy. Of course, the guy is not an actual writer, so I'll give him a pass. Here's a short video of Dr. Greenberg's best friend, Art Garfunkel, talking about the campaign to stop blindness (scroll down):

Greenberg is on the board of Johns Hopkins' Wilmer Eye Institute and is a friend of my nephew, Patrick. Patrick was recently wooed away by the Cleveland Clinic to it chair of otolar--whatever (head and neck surgery).
After lunch and about 3:30, I was at loose ends again, so I watched more of the Godfather III--yes, n the daytime--maybe one of the most god-awful movies ever. Yet I watched it! Dummy.
My arm continues to itch, although the cold patch helps a lot. If it isn't better soon, I'll call the doctor.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...