Thursday, April 16, 2020

Just The Usual

I walked down to Wal-Mart with my little cart and, incredibly, they had toilet paper. Called Ellen and got a twelve-roll package for her and one for me. When I got home, I called Suzanne to tell her the news and she asked if I wanted to go to WinCo today. Yes, indeed, I do.
Betty called. She had gotten the Byrne's Beach quiz I had sent and enjoyed it. We went over it and it was disheartening how many wrong answers she chose. However, she did like it, so I made up the second and last quiz and sent it off to her.
Can't quite remember what I did after lunch, until I left for the park about 3:00. Ran into Diane on the way and we chatted. Sat on a bench and called a family member; she reminded me I should check on the airlines for our trip to Jersey in June--will do. I also called Carolyn M., from T.O.P.S. and we chatted a bit. Lora B., also from T.O.P.S., called me and we did the same. Her son works at the marijuana place in Oxnard and when I said I wanted to try it again, she said she'd take me there so I can consult him. Sure thing, I said, but then I thought I'd better run it past Ellen; she might be worried about that. Now I don't really think I want to go, anyway. Someday, I want to try it again, but I'll just wait for a time.
As I was coming home, I ran into Leah from upstairs. Mentioned to her about the utility (read "rent") increase and that I might pursue it with an attorney. She's only been here three weeks, so hasn't gotten the charge yet.She was interested, but non-committal. That's another thing I guess I'll defer.
I've been doing my daily five-mile total consistently and I feel good about that.
Before dinner, I sat outside and read for a while. It was another beautiful day, which I greatly appreciate.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...