Sunday, April 26, 2020

A Gem

What a gem of a day it was! The weather was perfect yesterday--warm, but not too warm as Friday had been, not humid, with s little breeze. It was wonderful to be outside.
First of all, I surprised even myself by spending about two hours cleaning up the patio. I got rid of a lot of pots, vases, and other gardening items I knew I'd never use;* swept every inch of the concrete, borrowed Suzanne's hose (I asked her first) to wash the shelving that holds a lot of garden stuff; and washed and dried practically every item out there.
There was an errant spider plant, of all things, that had just insinuated itself in front of the ficus. I've had spider plants inside in Jersey and I like them, but on the ground, there's no point. So I tried to dig it up, but it was so deep, I just cut off the "spiders" and put them in water. I'll see if they take
I still haven't dealt with the Scarlet Parasol plant on the trellis that I'm afraid is giving up the ghost, but maybe not. Also, I have a table with succulents in it; I can't decide if I want it or not. But I washed down all the shelves and so on and the outside looks lovely.
After that and before lunch, I took the footpath to the park, stopping at the little "library" to pick up another book. I'll have to look at more of mine to see what I can donate. Home, had lunch, did a few chores, then took off for town.
It was fine to be on the bus again. I got off where I always used to, near the library, but of course, it was closed. So were the shops. And the movie theatre. And the restaurants, except for take-out. That was depressing, but once I got to The Promenade, it was wonderful. There were lots of people walking with and without dogs, running, jogging, biking on the walk, and many more on the beach and in the ocean. Little children ran and laughed, lovers sat together, and there were more surfers than I've ever seen on the waves. These don't really show how many people were happily out there--there were many, many more on The Promenade itself, but shows just a hint of the joyous day:
There is a prohibition against sitting, which properly, I think, many ignored. To say you can go in the ocean and swim, but you can't sit, is utterly inane, especially in a large outdoor space, if you ask me.
Home by 5:30 and I immediately jumped in the shower. I had just started dinner when Mike and the girls videoed me from Singapore. Loved seeing and talking to them, as ever. I then ate a Lean Cuisine and some of the zucchini I still have. Watered several plants in the patio and settled in for the night.

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 Down a tad (.02) to 127.2 at home and a tad more at T.O.P.S. (.07) to 128. Meeting was so-so, consisting of each of us reading a paragraph ...