Sunday, April 19, 2020

D., D., and D.

Dreary, drabby, draggy day. I just didn't feel like a morning walk, so stayed in. Alternated between looking here and there on the Internet for boring this and boring that, and eating. For some reason, I got hungry about 10:00, so scarfed down--oh, not a Ruben sandwich or a hot fudge sundae (I wish!)--but the leftover cauliflower, a few pretzels, and a can of beets. (Even I have to laugh when I look at that lineup.)
Had my usual big salad for lunch, then finally took off to the great outdoors. However, I had overdressed because it was cool, windy, and overcast earlier, and I cut the walk short. All day, I probably didn't get more than two miles in.
Back at this machine, I decided to just go with the plane trip I had reserved. The times were right for me and, although it was a lot more than originally touted, the fare was better than others. Called New Mexico to tell, then sent a copy there.
I again lazed around, looking up things on the Internet, such as Snookie Lanson, people born without arms and legs, and murder cases.
I walked over to Von's for grapes and shredded cheese, going up and down the aisles just to kill time. Stopped for the mail on the way home. When I got in, I was sure it was at least six pm, so dinnertime. AAGH--it was five of five! So I took my shower early and actually, I felt a bit better after.
Violated my own rule of not drinking when I'm alone and had a glass of wine with dinner. I enjoyed it; hey, maybe I'll have to revise my thinking on this.

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