Sunday, April 12, 2020

A Good One

What a fine day! For openers, I slept soundly, not getting up once, and awoke feeling good. After breakfast, I laid out my income tax crapola on the kitchen table and separated it into piles. Okay, I didn't actually do any work on it, but I'm keeping it on the table until I do. (I eat around it.) I want to send it to Michelle, my preparer, soon, or I'll put it off until July.
It was a glorious day--pure, pure blue sky and warm, but with a little breeze. Ellen called to say she would come over and leave something outside for Easter. I persuaded her that it would be okay for us to sit on the patio and chat for awhile, since the chairs are least six feet apart. She agreed and we did, for about a half  hour. That was fun and she brought me this:
Ha, ha. When I put "lily" in my pictures file, that's what came up. That's Joel's and Jamie's Lily, the mastiff. Here's what El actually brought:
I've been wanting to get a lily for the patio and this is a beauty which I'll plant later.  It was great to see her and talk, too, of course.
Had lunch, then took off for the footpath and park. This time, I walked to it, the went all the way around and back again, totaling about seven, I think, so that was good. On my way, I met Diane and we chatted, then Leah, my upstairs neighbor and we had a good time talking, too. I expressed my admiration that she also jogs. There were the usual runners, joggers, walkers, bikers, and family groups, and I was surprised to see these:
Okay, the first is at the main entrance where cars drive in, the second at one of the fields. I'm taking them to mean that the buildings (pool, meeting rooms, restrooms, and so on) and the open fields are off-limits, but the walking path, which circumvents the park, is okay. Anyway, until I'm forced to avoid it, that's where I'll go daily, along with everybody else.
Mike and the girls videoed me and it was so good to see them. Vivian, 15, is so pretty and Violet is, too, although in somewhat in an awkward stage at eleven. Their apartment is dazzling--very large and with spectacular views of Singapore.
Over the afternoon, Betty called several times with yet another tale of woe, on which I won't elaborate. She also called me at 8:15, to repeat what she had already told me. Aside from that, to which I'm resigned, it was a lovely day. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...